Tuesday, September 29, 2009


# Harga minyak MELAMBUNG 40%, harga barang makanan, harga bahan api, gas, elektrik dan tenaga, tol, tambang dan bermacam-macam lagi harga dipasaran sekarang semakin MENINGKAT hari demi hari. Hidup rakyat Malaysia kini semakin dihimpit kerisauan dan kegelisahan. Dalam keadaan sebegini tiada siapa yang boleh membantu kita malahan kerajaan sendiri tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa, maka ia hanya terletak kepada DIRI ANDA SENDIRI untuk MERUBAHNYA. Anda MESTI bertindak SEKARANG dengan melabur di dalam UNIT TRUST, pelaburan yang menjamin masa hadapan anda. Pasti ANDA TIDAK AKAN MENGHADAPI MASALAH DI KEMUDIAN HARI!!

# Ramai rakyat Malaysia kini tertipu dengan pelaburan-pelaburan yang haram di sisi undang-undang Malaysia, dengan harapan mendapat keuntungan yang besar dalam jangka masa yang singkat. Sedangkan kerajaan telah membuka ruang dan platform pelaburan yang sah.

# Anda boleh memaksimumkan wang KWSP anda melalui pelaburan dalam unit trust? Pulangan KWSP tahun lepas hanya 5%. Tapi pulangan unit trust tahun lepas ada yang mencecah 33%. Oleh itu jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Bahkan anda juga boleh membuat pelaburan dalam unit trust dengan nilai pelaburan permulaan yang rendah.

# Jika anda melabur = RM2,000 >>> Untung = 20% setahun, dalam masa 20 tahun, duit pelaburan RM2,000 anda akan menjadi = RM2,000 x (1 + 20%)20 = RM76,675.20 SUNGGUH LUMAYAN!!

# Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA = RM 25,000 manakala kadar inflasi semasa = 3.5%. Katakan anda mempunyai anak berumur 2 tahun, dlm masa 15 tahun lagi dia akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPTA..! Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA tahun 2022 = RM25,000.00 x (1 + 0.035)^15 = RM41,883.70 Oleh itu, ELAKKAN masalah kewangan ini berlaku kepada diri anda kelak!…

Jika anda benar-benar ingin menikmati pulangan lumayan dari sistem penjanaan wang untuk masakini dan akan datang, inilah pelaburan yang sah disisi undang-undang malaysia. Mulakan langkah pelaburan bijak anda dengan Pelaburan UnitTrust.

siti sarah mohamad hata

Monday, September 28, 2009

Peluang Pelaburan


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Saya merupakan konsultan untuk Dana Amanah dan Pelaburan Kewangan. Banyak peluang pelaburan yang SAH dan menguntungkan sebenarnya. Ramai masyarakat kita yang kurang didedahkan dengan peluang-peluang ini.

Sekarang adalah masa yang sesuai untuki melabur dalam unit amanah kerana harga saham masih murah. Sekiranya anda membeli saham sekarang, dijangka anda boleh memperoleh keuntungan melebihi 30% dalam tempoh 1 atau 2 tahun.

Sekiranya anda ingin maklumat lanjut sila hubungi saya:

Siti Sarah Mohamad Hata


The media outcry over the past week about the losses suffered by investors who have withdrawn their EPF money to invest in mutual funds has been one-sided so far.

According to a report in Mingguan Malaysia on August 5, 2006, since 1996 the value of total funds withdrawn for investments have dwindled from RM9.76 billion to RM9.15 billion as at December 2005, and a loss of some RM600 million had been suffered. However no further information was provided as to how the figures have been derived.

This was followed by the predictable reactions from the powers-that-be calling for the EPF investments withdrawal schemes to be scrapped, tightening of procedure etc. Unfortunately, this is more of a reactive response than a well-thought through solution to solve the problem at hand.

There are three parties who are central to this issue:

  1. The EPF who have seen significant increases in the number of withdrawals for the investment scheme over the years (The withdrawal figure touched RM2.1 billion in 2005)
  2. The unit trust companies who have aggressively targeted EPF members to buy their funds over the years and want to continue to be able to do so
  3. EPF members some of whom have lost and others, gained money from the mutual funds but all of whom we can assume thought they could get a higher return than that provided by the EPF by investing in the mutual funds

At the end of the day, I feel all that all three parties involved, including the EPF members should take some responsibility for what has transpired instead of the collective finger-pointing that’s going around.


Saya disini mengesyorkan/cadangan ;

i)Segera membeli pada nilai yang rendah dan mendapat unit yg lebih.
ii) Buat strategi awal dengan membuat porfolio/asset class dengan membina ‘combination’ - LOCAL + OVERSEA
iii)China is most growing economy after US.iv)Sekiranya hanya mempunyai pelaburan melalui EPF, inilah peluang terbaik untu memulakan pelaburan melalui tunai.v)Bagi pelabur EPF teruskan melabur setiap tiga bulan dan anda berpeluang untuk menjadi ahli Mutual Gold sekiranya jumlah pelaburan anda mencecah RM 100k.vi)Bagi pelaburan melalui tunai jadikan sebagai habit untuk menyimpan secara berkala (bulanan)

More unit Double Yr money = PROFIT

Wealth Advisors



Guide to Claim Tax Credit

Please click here to view the Guide to Claim Tax Credit

6 simple steps to investing with CIMB Wealth Advisors

1. Define your investment goals

2. Decide your time horizon and risk tolerance

3. Understand the products and decide what suits your investment portfolio

4. Practise asset allocation

5. Practise regular investment

6. Review and rebalance your investment portfolio from time to time

Benefits of Investing

Unit trust funds provide you with a simple, convenient and less time-consuming method of investing in securities compared to investing directly in the stock market or any other eligible market. As an investor you are able to benefit from the expertise of full-time professional fund managers without the need to worry about what kind of securities to buy and when to get in and out of the market. By investing in unit trust funds, you have the opportunity to spread your money over a diversified portfolio of assets which otherwise may not be possible on your own.

In brief, the benefits you will get to enjoy with unit trust investment are:

  1. Professional investment services
  2. Diversification opportunities and minimised risks
  3. Affordability
  4. Convenience
  5. Liquidity

Any investment carries with it an element of risks. Therefore, prior to making an investment, prospective investors should consider the risk factors. For more information on the potential risks, please refer to page 6 - 7 of the Master Prospectus.

You may contact me via phone no 013-2695329 or else email me for any enquiries sitisarah_87@yahoo.com

What is Unit Trust?

A unit trust fund is a collective investment scheme, which pools the savings of investors with similar investment objectives in a special "trust" fund managed by professional fund managers. The pooled monies in the unit trust fund will then be invested in a diversified portfolio of securities and other assets in accordance with the unit trust fund's investment objectives and as permitted under the Securities Commission's (SC) Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds.

The investment scheme of a unit trust fund can be illustrated as a tripartite relationship between the manager, the trustee and the unitholders. The manager is responsible for the management and operations of the unit trust fund whilst the trustee holds all the assets of the unit trust fund. The obligations and rights of each of the three parties are specified in the Deed, (a legal document entered into between the manager and the trustee, and registered with the SC). The Deed regulates the duties and responsibilities of the manager and the trustee with regard to the operations of the trust fund and protects the unitholders' interests.