Friday, October 16, 2009

Six types of funds

differentiated by its market cap
- large cap > rm3 bil
- Min cap rm750 mil > x > rm3 bil
- small cap < rm750 mil
-income: stocks that have income and value in nature
-growth: stocks that have a strong capital growth potential
-blend: mixed of income and growth
- give fixed return at agreed time frame
- focuses on total return
Mixed Asset
- partial growth and partial income elements
Money Market fund
- not affected by economic downturns.
- funds that invest in properties

Six types of funds

differentiated by its market cap
- large cap > rm3 bil
- Min cap rm750 mil > x > rm3 bil
- small cap < rm750 mil
-income: stocks that have income and value in nature
-growth: stocks that have a strong capital growth potential
-blend: mixed of income and growth
- give fixed return at agreed time frame
- focuses on total return
Mixed Asset
- partial growth and partial income elements
Money Market fund
- not affected by economic downturns.
- funds that invest in properties

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

VIC -Vantage Infinity Club

Vantage Infinity Club

CIMB Wealth Advisors Vantage Infinity Club (VIC) is established with the aim to provide personal service to greatly valued clients by focusing our efforts in areas that will benefit them in the most meaningful manner, thus allowing our customers to enjoy convenience of time and to experience the ease of service through each of the communication channels that we have dedicated to serve these customers.

As an elite member of the Vantage Infinity Club, helping you to manage your investment portfolio effectively is perennially our top priority. We hope to meet your aspiration by providing you with highly personalized and tailored made solutions, be it investment management, protection planning, life goals planning or planning for financial independence. In this fast-changing economy, our dedication to enrich you with the benefits of value-enhancing integrated financial products and services remains unchanged.

Members Privileges

Members of the Vantage Infinity Club (VIC) have the pleasure of enjoying the following facilities:

  • Priority Customer Care Hotline
    Enjoy personalized customer support and prompt service through this hotline. We have a dedicated team of customer service officers who strive to understand your needs to provide you with the necessary assistance.
  • Online Access to Investment Ledger
    We help you maximize your valuable time for more important affairs by providing you with the flexibility of assessing your investment position at the comfort of your home or during your leisure moment.
  • Quarterly consolidated statement
    The quarterly consolidated statement provides an update of your investment holdings, thus enabling you to align and better manage your portfolio in meeting future goals.
  • Priority invitation to seminars and workshops
    We organize market and investment seminars featuring top-tier subject experts in the industry to guide you through the thicket of global challenges and keep you abreast of the fast-arising market opportunities. As a value-added service to rekindle your hobbies, we also host ‘interest group workshops’ from time to time to cater to the likes of different clients.
  • Monthly Market Report
    A confluence of events may raise concerns among many investors and we aim to do our utmost best as your investment advisor, to keep you informed of any major changes in both the local and global scenes, be it economy issues, policy changes, extraordinary market circumstances and any information that may impact your investment decisions.

How to become a VIC member

You will automatically be recognized as a VIC member when the following requirements are met:

  • A minimum of 100,000 qualifying points based on aggregate investment holding in various holder accounts with CIMB Wealth Advisors based on NRIC.
  • All in-house and third party funds will be awarded 1 point for every RM1 investment holding except for the following funds:
    - CIMB-Principal Money Market Fund
    - CIMB Islamic Money Market Fund
    - CIMB Islamic Short Term Sukuk Fund
    - CIMB-Principal Xcess Cash Fund
    - CIMB-Principal Xcess Income fund
  • Insurance
    We will keep you informed as we expand the eligibility to the criteria
Welcome to the world of privileges that map your serious money to your intended objectives while you enjoy the exclusive services freely as a member of the Vantage Infinity Club.

FAQ in unit trust

  1. Why would I want to invest in unit trust?

· Professional Investment Services

· Diversification Opportunities

· Affordable

· Convenience

· Liquidity

  1. What are the types of investment plans available?

· Cash - Lump Sum Investment or Cash Plan

· Cash - Regular Savings Plan (Auto Debit or Direct Debit via Bank Accounts / Auto Payment via CIMB Credit Card)

· EPF Investment Scheme

· Loan Plan

  1. What is a Regular Savings Plan via Autodebit or Direct Debit via Bank Accounts / Auto-Payment via CIMB Bank Credit Card?
    It is a facility that allows you to auto deduct a fixed amount of money every month from your bank accounts or credit card for the purpose of investing into specific unit trust funds. The banks that offer such a facility with CIMB Wealth Advisors and their respective dates of deduction are as follows:

Autodebit or Direct Debit via Bank Accounts:

- BSN : Every 5th or 19th of the month
- CIMB : Every 10th or 20th of the month
- EON : Every 8th or 16th of the month
- Maybank : Every 14th or 28th of the month
- RHB : Every 12th or 25th of the month

Auto Payment via CIMB Bank Credit Card: Every 7th of the month

  1. Who can Invest?

· Malaysian or Non- Malaysian (expatriate working / residing in Malaysia) individuals aged 18 years and above.

· Malaysian or Non-Malaysian with registered Company or incorporated bodies, operating in Malaysia.

Note: All businesses operating in Malaysia must register with ROC / ROB.

  1. Where can I invest?

· CIMB Wealth Advisors’s home office in Damansara Utama

· CIMB Wealth Advisors’s regional / branch offices

· CIMB Wealth Advisors’s sales offices

If you would like us to send someone to personally assist you, please contact our Customer Care Centre at 03 – 7718 3000.

  1. Will I get a confirmation on my unit trust investment?
    Yes. You will receive the following:

· Confirmation Advice Slip (CAS) for every investment (except for Regular Savings Plan which are sent on quarterly basis)

· Yearly Statement of Account

· Unit Split Statement / Distribution Statement (if any)

  1. Where can I find information on unit trust pricing?
    Please log on to for the daily fund prices. Alternatively, you may refer to: The New Straits Times, The Star Online or call
    our Customer Care Centre at 03–7718 3000.

  1. What are the types of returns from unit trust investment?
    The returns on investment for unitholders are usually in the form of capital appreciation & distributions through income generated from the portfolio of the assets held by the unit trust funds.

  1. How often will I get the financial reports?
    You will be informed of the performance of the Fund that you have invested in through an audited annual report for the financial year-end of the Fund and an unaudited interim report (applies to a six-month period). These reports will be sent to you within two months of the two stated periods. You may also refer to the copy of the annual or interim report posted in the Corporate Website.

For futher info,u may contact me,

Friday, October 9, 2009

perbezaan diantara ASB dan ASN.

anda boleh lihat schedule ini untuk mengetahui secara jelas.KLIK sahaja perkataan itu.



pelaburan pilihan anda

Konsep pelaburan ini sebenarnya bukanlah sesuatu yang sukar. Cuma kadangkala nampak macam susah dan payah sangat-sangat. Dan ia berlaku kerana pelbagai sebab, mitos dan dongeng yang disampaikan turun temurun.

Dalam Islam ia disebut mudharabah. Anda selaku pengeluar modal (shohibul mal) memberikan wang kepada peniaga / usahawan (mudharib). Untung diberi mengikut kadar yang dipersetujui.

Post yang terdahulu, Apa Pelaburan Pilihan Anda?, anda telah diberikan satu situasi. Dengan wang tunai sebanyak RM 250,000 syarikat yang manakah yang anda akan laburkan duit anda. Keputusan jawapannya adalah seperti berikut:

Usahawan A: 16 pelabur (27%)
Usahawan B: 24 pelabur (41%)
Usahawan A + B: 19 pelabur (32%)

Sebenarnya, saya sudah menjangkakan lebih ramai akan melabur dengan usahawan B. Disusuli dengan “diversification” iaitu A+B, dan lebih sedikit akan fokus melabur dengan usahawan A.

Ramai yang memilih B barangkali ia kelihatan baru, cool, boombastic dan oooh la la …

Yelah, orang bijak pandai pun kata jual nasi lemak ni macam low class.

Dan ini ulasan panjang …

# 1 Labur dalam perniagaan yang anda faham sahaja
Tidak salah anda ingin melabur dalam A atau B. Apa yang penting adalah anda faham perniagaan tersebut.

Syarikat A itu andaikan sahaja sebagai Berkshire Hathaway (asalnya sebuah syarikat tekstil) milik pelabur terkaya, Warren Buffett, dan Syarikat B itu adalah Microsoft (syarikat perisian) milik usahawan terkaya, Bill Gates.

Warren Buffett, walaupun dia seorang pelabur yang hebat, tetapi dia tidak melabur dalam Microsoft. Alasannya, dia tidak faham macam mana operasi perniagaan Microsoft. Dia lebih faham perniagaan yang mudah seperti tekstil, Coca Cola, American Express, gula-gula, surat khabar dan perniagaan seumpamanya.

Jadi, anda perlu lihat jawapan anda. Adakah anda memberikan sebab pelaburan anda kerana anda faham perniagaan tersebut atau tidak?

Sekiranya anda menjawab seperti, “Saya ingin melabur di A kerana perniagaan itu mudah difahami …” atau “Saya memilih syarikat B kerana saya memang berada dalam industri teknologi … ” dan jawapan yang sewaktu dengannya. Itu adalah jawapan terbaik. Dan anda sedang berfikir dengan cara yang betul untuk menjadi seorang pelabur yang baik.

Tetapi anehnya, kebanyakan orang lebih suka melabur dalam sesuatu yang dia tidak faham. Dan akhirnya, orang sebegini akan rugi dalam pelaburannya.

Tak faham apa itu matawang, nak melabur juga di forex.

Tak pernah tengok pun buah kelapa sawit, nak juga melabur di pasaran hadapan kelapa sawit dan kaunter perladangan.

Tak pernah sampai pun ke China, berminat juga mahu melabur dalam dana pelaburan yang melabur di China.

Kerja dalam industri oil & gas tetapi lebih berminat melabur dalam syarikat komputer dan MESDAQ.

Kerja dalam industri komputer, berminat pula melabur dalam syarikat oil & gas.

Dan seterusnya.

Tidak tahu kenapa ramai orang selalunya lebih cenderung melabur dalam bidang baru, dalam sesuatu yang dia tidak faham dari hanya melabur dalam bidang yang sudah established dan dalam sesuatu yang sudah difahaminya.

# 2 Diversification is a protection against ignorance

Ia adalah kata-kata Warren Buffett.

Pelabur yang faham apa yang dia buat dengan pelaburannya, tidak membuat diversify seperti yang difahami oleh kebanyakan orang. Malangnya, ramai orang diversify hanya kerana untuk diversification.

Kenapa anda perlu meletakkan 10 biji telur dalam 10 bakul yang berbeza?

Kenapa anda tidak letakkan 10 biji telur dalam 1 bakul sahaja?

Jawapannya adalah berbalik kepada penjelasan # 1

Sekiranya anda dapat mengenal pasti satu peluang yang boleh berikan 100% pulangan, kenapa anda perlu membahagikan duit anda kepada beberapa pecahan pelaburan lagi? Ia tidak masuk akal. Kan lebih bagus anda laburkan kesemua duit anda ke dalam pelaburan yang boleh memberikan pulangan 100% itu tadi.

Mereka yang membuat diversification membuta tuli ini selalunya adalah mereka yang tidak yakin dan tidak faham pun dengan pelaburan yang mereka buat. Pecah 1 telur, ada 9 lagi. Pecah lagi satu, ada 8 lagi. Jadi kalau akhirnya ada 4 telur pecah, 6 telur yang tinggal itu lah yang akan mengimbangkan pulangannya nanti.

Pernah anda tengok seorang atlit professional yang menyertai 10 jenis sukan dalam satu masa? Steven Gerrard tidak bermain kriket dan ragbi secara professional dan hanya menumpukan sukan bola sepak dan menjadi pemain midfielder yang terbaik.

Ya. Saya faham. Tidak semua orang mampu membuat stock trading dan stock analysis sendiri. Saya akui. Unit trust sahaja tempat yang paling sesuai untuk anda melabur. Sekiranya itu keadaan anda, saya tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa.

Saya cuma boleh sarankan, cepat-cepat pergi belajar mengenai pelaburan. Biarlah orang yang tak baca blog ini yang hanya mengharapkan saham amanah sebagai satu-satu punca pendapatan pelaburannya. Tapi anda yang dah baca, kenalah jadi orang yang lebih sedikit. Barulah saya seronok nak menulis.

Sekiranya keadaan anda sebegitu, anda tidak perlulah membeli semua jenis dana amanah saham yang dijual kepada anda. Cukuplah menumpukan 1 atau 2 dana yang berlainan jenis dan beli dana yang anda faham apa gaya pelaburannya. Fokus bro!

Sebab itu saya selalu sebut, penuhkan dulu ASB sebanyak mungkin sementara anda menambah ilmu pengetahuan yang sewajarnya. Itu adalah cara yang lebih baik. Dan kalau anda boleh membuat analisa saham sendiri, itu adalah jauh lebih baik.

Itu sahaja ulasan dari saya tentang post yang lepas.

Terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada semua yang telah mengambil bahagian. Kalau masih belum dapat ebook tu sila beritahu saya.

Nak bangkang? Boleh sahaja. Ingin bertanya lanjut. Juga boleh. Ruang komen terbuka luas.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

apa beza equity fund,balanced fund,bond,money market fund

sy tolong jawbkn soalan u since sy adalah unit trust agent.dalam unit trust ada 3 category fund:

1.equity fund - agresif
2.balanced fund - moderate market fund - low

equity fund khas untuk pelabur yg bole menerima risk yg tinggi seiring dgn kenaikan/kejatuhan pasaran saham dalam usaha untuk mndapatkan capital growth.

question to ask

Hi fellow investors,

Just want to ask any of potential investors that yet to invest in Unit trust investment product,
1) Do you know why you need to invest?
2) Which type of investment is suit your financial goal?
3) Do you understand the investment concept that you are going to make?
4) What is return percentage that you expect?
5) Do you think investment that you have currently is enough to cater your life after retirement?
6) Do you think you really have enough cash to send you children?
7) Why you need to plan your investment?
8) Is it correct investment company & consultant is important towards your investment return?

Anybody can answer this question to guide the new investors in handling the investment…

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


# Harga minyak MELAMBUNG 40%, harga barang makanan, harga bahan api, gas, elektrik dan tenaga, tol, tambang dan bermacam-macam lagi harga dipasaran sekarang semakin MENINGKAT hari demi hari. Hidup rakyat Malaysia kini semakin dihimpit kerisauan dan kegelisahan. Dalam keadaan sebegini tiada siapa yang boleh membantu kita malahan kerajaan sendiri tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa, maka ia hanya terletak kepada DIRI ANDA SENDIRI untuk MERUBAHNYA. Anda MESTI bertindak SEKARANG dengan melabur di dalam UNIT TRUST, pelaburan yang menjamin masa hadapan anda. Pasti ANDA TIDAK AKAN MENGHADAPI MASALAH DI KEMUDIAN HARI!!

# Ramai rakyat Malaysia kini tertipu dengan pelaburan-pelaburan yang haram di sisi undang-undang Malaysia, dengan harapan mendapat keuntungan yang besar dalam jangka masa yang singkat. Sedangkan kerajaan telah membuka ruang dan platform pelaburan yang sah.

# Anda boleh memaksimumkan wang KWSP anda melalui pelaburan dalam unit trust? Pulangan KWSP tahun lepas hanya 5%. Tapi pulangan unit trust tahun lepas ada yang mencecah 33%. Oleh itu jangan lepaskan peluang ini. Bahkan anda juga boleh membuat pelaburan dalam unit trust dengan nilai pelaburan permulaan yang rendah.

# Jika anda melabur = RM2,000 >>> Untung = 20% setahun, dalam masa 20 tahun, duit pelaburan RM2,000 anda akan menjadi = RM2,000 x (1 + 20%)20 = RM76,675.20 SUNGGUH LUMAYAN!!

# Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA = RM 25,000 manakala kadar inflasi semasa = 3.5%. Katakan anda mempunyai anak berumur 2 tahun, dlm masa 15 tahun lagi dia akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPTA..! Jumlah kos pengajian degree di IPTA tahun 2022 = RM25,000.00 x (1 + 0.035)^15 = RM41,883.70 Oleh itu, ELAKKAN masalah kewangan ini berlaku kepada diri anda kelak!…

Jika anda benar-benar ingin menikmati pulangan lumayan dari sistem penjanaan wang untuk masakini dan akan datang, inilah pelaburan yang sah disisi undang-undang malaysia. Mulakan langkah pelaburan bijak anda dengan Pelaburan UnitTrust.

siti sarah mohamad hata

Monday, September 28, 2009

Peluang Pelaburan


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Saya merupakan konsultan untuk Dana Amanah dan Pelaburan Kewangan. Banyak peluang pelaburan yang SAH dan menguntungkan sebenarnya. Ramai masyarakat kita yang kurang didedahkan dengan peluang-peluang ini.

Sekarang adalah masa yang sesuai untuki melabur dalam unit amanah kerana harga saham masih murah. Sekiranya anda membeli saham sekarang, dijangka anda boleh memperoleh keuntungan melebihi 30% dalam tempoh 1 atau 2 tahun.

Sekiranya anda ingin maklumat lanjut sila hubungi saya:

Siti Sarah Mohamad Hata


The media outcry over the past week about the losses suffered by investors who have withdrawn their EPF money to invest in mutual funds has been one-sided so far.

According to a report in Mingguan Malaysia on August 5, 2006, since 1996 the value of total funds withdrawn for investments have dwindled from RM9.76 billion to RM9.15 billion as at December 2005, and a loss of some RM600 million had been suffered. However no further information was provided as to how the figures have been derived.

This was followed by the predictable reactions from the powers-that-be calling for the EPF investments withdrawal schemes to be scrapped, tightening of procedure etc. Unfortunately, this is more of a reactive response than a well-thought through solution to solve the problem at hand.

There are three parties who are central to this issue:

  1. The EPF who have seen significant increases in the number of withdrawals for the investment scheme over the years (The withdrawal figure touched RM2.1 billion in 2005)
  2. The unit trust companies who have aggressively targeted EPF members to buy their funds over the years and want to continue to be able to do so
  3. EPF members some of whom have lost and others, gained money from the mutual funds but all of whom we can assume thought they could get a higher return than that provided by the EPF by investing in the mutual funds

At the end of the day, I feel all that all three parties involved, including the EPF members should take some responsibility for what has transpired instead of the collective finger-pointing that’s going around.


Saya disini mengesyorkan/cadangan ;

i)Segera membeli pada nilai yang rendah dan mendapat unit yg lebih.
ii) Buat strategi awal dengan membuat porfolio/asset class dengan membina ‘combination’ - LOCAL + OVERSEA
iii)China is most growing economy after US.iv)Sekiranya hanya mempunyai pelaburan melalui EPF, inilah peluang terbaik untu memulakan pelaburan melalui tunai.v)Bagi pelabur EPF teruskan melabur setiap tiga bulan dan anda berpeluang untuk menjadi ahli Mutual Gold sekiranya jumlah pelaburan anda mencecah RM pelaburan melalui tunai jadikan sebagai habit untuk menyimpan secara berkala (bulanan)

More unit Double Yr money = PROFIT

Wealth Advisors



Guide to Claim Tax Credit

Please click here to view the Guide to Claim Tax Credit

6 simple steps to investing with CIMB Wealth Advisors

1. Define your investment goals

2. Decide your time horizon and risk tolerance

3. Understand the products and decide what suits your investment portfolio

4. Practise asset allocation

5. Practise regular investment

6. Review and rebalance your investment portfolio from time to time

Benefits of Investing

Unit trust funds provide you with a simple, convenient and less time-consuming method of investing in securities compared to investing directly in the stock market or any other eligible market. As an investor you are able to benefit from the expertise of full-time professional fund managers without the need to worry about what kind of securities to buy and when to get in and out of the market. By investing in unit trust funds, you have the opportunity to spread your money over a diversified portfolio of assets which otherwise may not be possible on your own.

In brief, the benefits you will get to enjoy with unit trust investment are:

  1. Professional investment services
  2. Diversification opportunities and minimised risks
  3. Affordability
  4. Convenience
  5. Liquidity

Any investment carries with it an element of risks. Therefore, prior to making an investment, prospective investors should consider the risk factors. For more information on the potential risks, please refer to page 6 - 7 of the Master Prospectus.

You may contact me via phone no 013-2695329 or else email me for any enquiries

What is Unit Trust?

A unit trust fund is a collective investment scheme, which pools the savings of investors with similar investment objectives in a special "trust" fund managed by professional fund managers. The pooled monies in the unit trust fund will then be invested in a diversified portfolio of securities and other assets in accordance with the unit trust fund's investment objectives and as permitted under the Securities Commission's (SC) Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds.

The investment scheme of a unit trust fund can be illustrated as a tripartite relationship between the manager, the trustee and the unitholders. The manager is responsible for the management and operations of the unit trust fund whilst the trustee holds all the assets of the unit trust fund. The obligations and rights of each of the three parties are specified in the Deed, (a legal document entered into between the manager and the trustee, and registered with the SC). The Deed regulates the duties and responsibilities of the manager and the trustee with regard to the operations of the trust fund and protects the unitholders' interests.